Just to no that it is not good quality
Waste of money and not good quality
Sturdy, traditional leather work.
I ordered this set for my medium sized dog. The collar fits perfectly and the tag looks beautiful. This is an amazing deal for the price.
When I first received the order I wasn't satisfied with the quality of the leash, it seemed rushed and poorly made - not at all like the collar which I was very happy with.
I sent some photos and a message to the customer service team who sent a replacement without hesitation. I didn't have to send back the first leash and the replacement leash is of much better quality.
My only concern would be the clasp on the leash. My dog is only 25kg and the clasp is adequate for him but if I had a larger dog I would be considering a different design.
It would be great to see a weight rating in the product descriptions going forward.
5/5 will shop here again
Unfortunately the lead and collar which were purchased as a matching tan set, were actually 2 different leather colors (tan color, dark brown lead). When this was raise the team were quick to respond and immediately re-issued my order. Great focus on customer satisfaction. Happy owner...happy pup!